Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Turn back the clock

I changed my template again... the old one just seemed a little stale and too arty, doesnt suit my current state of mind - so this time i'm going with a standard template from something a lot more down-to-earth.

Last night, i missed prayer meeting, which was supposed to end at 9.30, because of some last minute errands to deliver something to a customer. I reached home really early like 7.35pm, and thought i could really make use of those extra hours i was going to spend at home to do some reading, thinking it wouldn't hurt to just spend a gew minutes relaxing in front of the TV, ate my dinner... and did some channel flicking but before i knew it... it was 10.45pm!

the first thought that came to my head was "shoot! i wished it was only 9pm now..." then I realised how silly it was for me to think that... cos it was simply impossible and I only had myself to blame for wasting time when I had plenty of it.

my mum used to tell me - the older we get, the more we realise how time flies by too quickly. It's so true... Went out with a friend last week and we were reminiscing the crazy things we did last time, those leisurely chats by the Changi Airport runways... chatting about hopes and dreams, and it didnt occur to me that one day, things will change, we will grow older, be bogged down by more responsibilities, have our respective partners and to get a chance to sit down with each other would be sooo rare...

but still after many years, the connection can be re-found so fast... over a meal of grilled stingray, sambal kangkong and sotong, followed by a glass of wine and cider in C&F. the chemistry is definitely still there... but too much has changed since then... and no, we can't go back in time anymore


FlyingMuffyn said...

so u saying ur current state of mind very inky and dark ah?

princesslonglegs said...

black is such a versatile color, it could stand for mystery, darkness, class or even death. but mine's spotted with reds and oranges and some pinks...

kona said...

seeing stars someone...hehe...